Remember when matter centricity was a big thing, or when maintaining a good paper file was king and getting e-filing going was hard? This used to be a focus in firms, we’d have workshops at conferences discussing the best electronic template for files, we’d talk about getting metadata detail on documents.
It doesn’t seem a thing anymore, I’d like to think that’s because everyone has it nailed. But I suspect it’s more a broken window scenario and that the deluge of email has let “just enough” creep in.
Anyway a conversation with a colleague recently on this very topic led to me being passed a link to PowerBI Connector for iManage which looks to be a really simple tool to create dashboards to monitor say who is filing and who isn’t. Anyone use this or have other examples of tools, please add to the comments.
But I guess my more fundamental question is; Is it time to get back to basics and start to re-instil those good filing habits. Or maybe to be a bit bold and see if the old documents and email file is still valid for the DMS or whether we need a more fundamental shift in what a file now consists of? Maybe as Matter Centricity was a thing in the early 2000’s that moved us from simple tagging, we need a new shift to a more collaborative multi message approach to the file?